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Revelada a lista de trófeus Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

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E o pessoal da Ubisoft revelou a lista de trófeus de Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, e o pessoal do PS3Trophies já publicou em seu site. Pode-se esperar que os “achievements” do Xbox 360 também sejam os mesmos. Bom, a lista abaixo contém alguns spoilers em relação ao jogo, então leia por sua conta e risco:

Julius Caesar
Get Every Trophy (Platina)

Technical Difficulties
Complete Spain Sequence 1 (Bronze)

Battle Wounds
Complete DNA Sequence 1 (Bronze)

Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
Complete Present Sequence 1 (Bronze)

Requiescat In Pace
Complete Spain Sequence 4 (Bronze)

Perfect Recall
Get a Sequence to 100% Memory Synchronization (Bronze)

Déjà vu
Replay a Memory (Bronze)

Undertaker 2.0
Complete LGS 1 [Catacombs] (Bronze)

Golden Boy
Complete LGS 2 [Trajan Bath] (Bronze)

Destroy the Machine Gun (Bronze)

Destroy the Naval Cannon (Bronze)

Destroy the Bomber (Bronze)

Destroy the Tank (Bronze)

Home Improvement
Upgrade 5 buildings in the Antique district (Bronze)

Tower Offense
Kill All the Borgia Leaders (Bronze)

Show Off
Complete 10 Faction Creed Challenges (Bronze)

Get 3 Gold Medals in VR Missions (Bronze)

Recruit 3 Assassins (Bronze)

Welcome to the Brotherhood
Have a Trainee reach the Rank of Assassin (Bronze)

Capture the Flag
Remove All Borgia Flags in Rome (Bronze)

In Memoriam
Collect All Feathers (Bronze)

Dust to Dust
Find 1 Artifact in the Present (Bronze)

Serial Killer
Perform a 10 combo-kill streak (Bronze)

Spring Cleaning
Kill a guard with a Broom. (Bronze)

Your Wish is Granted
Throw Money in a Well (Bronze)

Fly Like an Eagle
Jump with the Parachute from the Top of the Castel San Angelo (Bronze)

The Gloves Come Off
Win the highest bet at the Fight Club (Bronze)

Mailer Daemon
Access your Email in the Present (Bronze)

Synchronization Established
Complete an entire Multiplayer Session with at least one kill (Bronze)

Needle in a Haystack
Kill your target while being hidden in a Haystack (Bronze)

Strong Closer
Take the lead 10 seconds before the end of the session and win the game (Bronze)

Fast Learner
Kill your target and escape your assassin in less than 10 seconds (Bronze)

Role Model
Get al the COOP Bonuses in one session (Bronze)

Get a 750 Point Kill or more (Bronze)

Abstergo Employee of the Month
Get Every Bonus at Least Once (Bronze)

Ahead of the Curve
Perform a Double or a Triple Escape (Bronze)

Rome in Ruins
Complete DNA Sequence 2 (Prata)

Complete DNA Sequence 3 (Prata)

Principessa in Another Castello
Complete DNA Sequence 4 (Prata)

Complete DNA Sequence 5 (Prata)

Forget Paris
Complete DNA Sequence 6 (Prata)

Bloody Sunday
Complete DNA Sequence 7 (Prata)

Vittoria Agli Assassini
Complete DNA Sequence 8 (Prata)

Complete LGS 3 [Colosseum] (Prata)

Complete LGS 4 [Cloaca Maxima] (Prata)

One-Man Wrecking Crew
Complete LGS 5 [Lateran Palace] (Prata)

Complete LGS 6 [St. Peter’s Basilica] (Prata)

.. .- — .- .-.. .. …- .
Solve all of Subject 16’s Puzzles (Prata)

Job Skills
During an Open Conflct, kill your target and escape (Prata)

Download Complete
Reach Level 50 (Prata)

A Knife to the Heart
Complete the Game (Ouro)

[Via: PS3Trophies]

2 comentários em “Revelada a lista de trófeus Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood”

  1. Vinicius Guedes

    Seria ideal se vocês colocassem "Spoiler" ANTES do Troféu [ eu não li e não me importo, mas quem se importa ficaria muito Puto ]. Mas o mais Spoiler de todos os tempos é o Gold – Complete the Game

    1. Se você não leu o começo do texto, eu falo justamente isso no primeiro parágrafo… que a partir da lista é spoiler…

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